Download TRIAL

Use one of the two download links below to download your free TRIAL.

Standard version

Note: the 64-bit installers include both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the product. You do not need to download both. You should only download the appropriate version for whatever architecture of Windows you are currently using.


Use the above link to download your TRIAL copy compatible with all 64-bit versions of Windows.


Use the above link to download your TRIAL copy compatible with all 32-bit versions of Windows.

Developer version

Note: only download the Developer version if you intend to engage in CTCI-WIN and/or Hercules software development. The developer version includes extra files needed only for software development. The files are not needed for normal CTCI-WIN use. If you only intend to run Hercules, then you do not need to download the Developer version.


Use the above link to download your TRIAL copy compatible with all 64-bit versions of Windows.


Use the above link to download your TRIAL copy compatible with all 32-bit versions of Windows.